The Boondock Saints is a vigilante film starring Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus and Willem Dafoe. Flanery and Reedus play twin brothers Connor and Murphy MacManus who become vigilantes after killing two members of the Russian mafia in self-defense. Dafoe is Agent Smecker of the FBI who is pursuing the MacManus brothers as they rid the city of Boston of crime.
My Thoughts:
I didn't really know much about this film before watching it. All I really knew was that it had a cult following and that it starred Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead. I now understand why this has a cult following and I regret that it took me so long to watch it. This was a great film and anyone who loves action movies would enjoy this movie. It was a much different film than I expected. What I liked most was the flashback style of story telling. It reminded me of a scene from the movie Kick-Ass where you see how a warehouse full of thugs was actually dealt with. Something that also really surprised me about this film was the story. Usually I can get a sense of where the story is heading but what I thought would happen during this movie was wrong. Overall this film was a pleasant surprise and now I can't wait to watch the sequel.
What I Liked:
- The Story
- The Flashbacks
- The Action
- Nothing Really
Overall Rating: 9/10